We know that God always asks us to look ahead. While our timeline is long and marked by stories of faith and courage, our calling is to build a church that continues to help people know God, follow Jesus and care deeply for our city and beyond.

Our mission is to "Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." We ground our beliefs and faith practices in scripture. We call on reason, tradition, and experience to understand how Scripture informs our lives. We seek to live generously and call on the practices of gathering for worship, study, prayer, reflection, generosity, and service. We recognize that followers of Jesus grow when they engage their hearts and minds to draw closer to God and seek to follow Jesus' ways.
Our Name Defines Us
Grace UMC is a mid-sized congregation passionate about loving God, following Jesus, and living generously. It's easy to become part of the family at Grace UMC. Everyone has doubts and questions and not one of us has all the answers. No matter where you are in life's journey, you are welcome at Grace United Methodist Church
Our name defines our ministry. We believe God's grace covers everyone. Grace is God's infinite and unearned love, made visible to us through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We seek to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all we do. We practice a faith that is both deeply personal and publicly expressed through our words, daily choices, and acts of compassion, service, and justice.