Granting Grace
What happens when a child is inspired by his faith and his family to create a way to make a difference? An outreach ministry takes shape!
Granting Grace Outreach is a non-profit foundation started in 2016 by then 8-year old Grant Skelton. It began with the support of his church, his family and a gift from his grandfather.
Currently, Granting Grace Outreach is working with the Cape Girardeau Police Department to offer overnight shelter for individuals at a local motel. The break from the winter elements provides a shower and a warm, private place to sleep.
Granting Grace 2019
Your Donation Will Make A Difference
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Granting Grace Outreach is a non-profit 501c3. Its mission is to help those in our area in need.
See Grant talk about the foundation with KFVS12 here.
Checkout the Granting Grace Facebook page here.