Bilingual Storytime
9:30 AM
Stories and Songs in English and Spanish. For children ages 1-4 accompanied by an adult.
Street Level Meal Prep
3rd Fridays-3PM
March 21
April 18
May 16
Help prepare a meal for the clients of Street Level-Cape Girardeau. Share in preparation of the monthly meal, assist with packing, or delivery. For more details,contact the church office.
Lent Small Group
March 9-April 13
Sundays, 10:10 AM
Take a deeper dive into the themes and practices of Lent. Meet up in the Parlor to explore faith as we make the journey to Easter.
Healing Service
Thursday, March 27
6:30 PM
Share in a service of healing for body, mind and spirit. As we meet we will share some information about healing and all the ways we can experience it along with worship and prayer. For those who are in need of healing and/or peace, the curious and those who want to share in a deeply moving experience alongside others.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 17
6:00 PM
Fellowship Center
A meal and a moment. We will gather for a light supper and recall the events of Jesus' last night with his disciples and friends in which he gave his final commandment, "Love one another as I have loved you."
We will break bread together, share in a time of remembering and giving thanks.
Good Friday
Friday, April 18
6:30 PM
A moving experience that allows us to confront the grief and consequences of Jesus' last hours before his execution. Known as "Good Friday," this worship moment is indeed "good" because it reminds us that despite the pain of that last day, Jesus was able to rise again and wiped away the darkness that sin and death may try to hold over us.